Wednesday, August 24, 2016


I am so excited to announce that this year the 2nd grade team at River Heights Elementary will be participating in Arts Integration Menomonie (A.I.M.). Over the course of the 2016-2017 school year, students in 2nd grade will have the opportunity to work with two different teaching artists. I am thrilled that the first artist we will have the joy of working with is Kobi Shaw! Kobi is best known for her role in the comedy juggling duo -In Capable Hands. Kobi has taught circus arts to children including clowning, magic, juggling, balancing, plate spinning and more. I personally had the opportunity to work with Kobi for a small part of the last school year and cannot wait to see the exciting ideas and talent she can bring to our classroom! Our team has already begun collaborating and brainstorming ways to integrate her art form. I believe a great adventure is beginning! Check back for exciting circus updates, photos, and happenings in our classroom!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is amazing. Very thorough and fun to read.
